Articles By George Gombossy

Ask George: Can Kerosense Heaters Be Banned in Ct Condos?

Hi George We have a tenant there who uses a kerosene heater and the smell affects other units. I recall reading a comment that this form of supplementary heat was illegal in a multi-family situation in the state. The units are all electric and have no carbon monoxide detection. The units were built in the

CCOC Proposing Legislation To Improve Condo Living

We have asked you for your opinion on proposed laws that would give greater power to individual condo owners without limiting the associations from taking actions to benefit unit owners. More than 130 of your have responded, filling out lengthy surveys. We will soon publish the results of the survey. Based on your feedback and

Ask George: Who Is the Boss? Management Company Or Board of Directors

As a fellow Condo owner, and member of the CCOC, I hope you will offer your valued opinion. I sit on the board of my condo as a director.  I have taken issue with the management company taking the minutes of our meetings.  Somehow this seems a conflict of interest. The management company representing us,

Three Connecticut Legislators Honored For Their Work On Behalf of Condo Associations

Three members of the Connecticut General Assembly are being honored for their advocacy of condo issues. The Legislative Advocacy Committee (LAC) of the Connecticut Chapter of the Community Associations Institute (CAI-CT) selected  Representative Gerald M. Fox, III (D-Stamford), Representative James M. Albis (D-East Haven) and Representative Matthew N. Ritter (D-Hartford) for its Annual Legislator of

CPA Joins CCOC Advisory Committee

Judy Doneiko, a retired Certified Public Accountant, has joined the Connecticut Condo Owners Coalition’s Advisory Committee. Doneiko worked in private industry, is the past president of the Connecticut Governmental Finance Officers Association, and served as the financial officer at Connecticut municipalities. She also worked as a project manager for the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Doneiko

Gov. Malloy Signs Important Condo Laws Friday

In what has the potential to be a major victory for condo owners in Connecticut, Gov. Malloy signed legislation Friday that would give the state more power to discipline property managers who violate state condo laws. Prior to this legislation – Public Act 13-289 – the state Department of Consumer Protection could only take action

Gov Malloy Signs Heritage Village Condo Voting Bill

Connecticut Governor Malloy has signed into law legislation that would make it easier to defeat an annual budget at the state’s largest condo complex – Heritage Village in Southbury. Many of the condo owners in that complex – with about 2,400 units – have been lobbying to be exempt from a state law that requires

Gov. Malloy Signs Important Bill For Condo Owners

Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy Monday signed a critical law for condo owners that requires banks to reimburse condo associations for maintenance in case of foreclosures. The reason the bill was critical because two judges had ruled that the state statute governing reimbursement of condo fees was limited to a one time six month payment.

Tell Your State Representative And State Senator How You Feel About Proposed Condo Legislation

Several important proposals involving condominium laws have been introduced this year in the General Assembly. It is now up to you to let your representatives in the General Assembly know your views. To locate your senate or house representative, go to (House Bill 6662) would explicitly require banks in lengthy foreclosure actions to reimburse

Condo Foreclosure Bill Gets Favorable Report From General Assembly Committee

A bill that would require banks to reimburse condo associations for at least 12 months of maintenance fees in case of a foreclosure is gaining traction in the General Assembly. House Bill 6477 was given a favorable report and sent to the House of Representatives in the General Assembly Wednesday. That action was taken by